9 Compelling Reasons for You to Choose Next.js


May 16, 2023

9 Compelling Reasons for You to Choose Next.js

In the rapidly evolving realm of web development, the selection of an appropriate framework holds substantial sway over the triumph of your project. Within this context, Next.js has emerged as a remarkably prominent option in recent times. Leveraging the foundation of React, Next.js presents an impressive array of capabilities that render it an exceptional preference for constructing contemporary web applications. This article endeavors to dissect nine compelling justifications substantiating why Next.js should occupy the apex of your list when it comes to web application development.

1. Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG):

Next.js provides built-in support for both server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG). SSR allows you to pre-render pages on the server and send fully-rendered HTML to the client, resulting in faster initial page loads and improved search engine optimization (SEO). On the other hand, SSG generates static HTML files at build time, eliminating the need for server-side rendering for static content. This flexibility allows developers to choose the rendering method that best suits their project's needs.

2. Optimized for Performance:

A major component of web applications is performance. By automatically code-splitting and lazy loading JavaScript bundles, Next.js improves efficiency by making sure that only the essential code is loaded at runtime. As a result, pages load more quickly and the user experience is improved. Furthermore, Next.js offers automated asset prefetching, allowing users to switch between pages with ease.

3. Built-in API Routes:

Next.js includes built-in API routes, making it easy to create serverless APIs directly within your application. These routes allow you to define server-side logic and handle HTTP requests without the need for an external server. This approach simplifies the development process and reduces the complexity of managing separate backend infrastructure.

4. Automatic Routing:

Routing is an essential aspect of web development, and Next.js provides a simple and intuitive routing system out of the box. Pages in Next.js are automatically associated with routes based on their file names, eliminating the need for manual configuration. This convention-based approach makes it easy to create and organize your application's pages without the hassle of configuring complex routing rules.

5. Seamless React Integration:

Since Next.js is developed on top of React, the React.js ecosystem is smoothly integrated with it. While taking advantage of Next.js's server-side rendering and routing capabilities, you can make use of the extensive library of React frameworks and components. Because of this interoperability, developers can use their React skills and components when creating Next.js applications.

6. Full TypeScript Support:

TypeScript has become increasingly popular among developers for its static typing and enhanced code editor support. Next.js provides full TypeScript support out of the box, allowing you to write type-safe code and catch potential errors during development. This integration enhances code quality, improves collaboration between team members, and boosts overall productivity.

7. Incremental Adoption:

Next.js offers incremental adoption, meaning you can gradually introduce it into your existing projects without having to rewrite everything from scratch. Whether you want to add server-side rendering to specific pages or migrate an entire application, Next.js allows you to do so incrementally. This flexibility makes it an ideal choice for both new projects and existing codebases.

8. Extensive Documentation and Community Support:

Next.js prides itself on its dynamic and thriving community, which is replete with abundant resources and comprehensive documentation. The official Next.js documentation offers meticulous guides, illustrative examples, and top-notch best practices, rendering the framework easily accessible for developers to delve into and discover its immense potential. Moreover, the Next.js community exhibits exceptional dedication and support, readily offering assistance across forums, Stack Overflow, and numerous online platforms.

9. Deployments Made Easy:

Next.js streamlines the deployment procedure by presenting a plethora of deployment alternatives. By employing straightforward configurations, you can effortlessly deploy Next.js applications to renowned platforms like Vercel, Netlify, or AWS Amplify. These platforms seamlessly integrate with Next.js, enabling hassle-free application deployment while harnessing built-in functionalities such as automatic scaling, CDN caching, and serverless architecture. Furthermore, Next.js enhances deployment optimization by automatically optimizing and compressing assets, guaranteeing swift and efficient content delivery to end-users.


Next.js has risen as a formidable and adaptable framework for constructing web applications. Under its inherent backing for server-side rendering, static site generation, API routes, and automatic routing, Next.js equips developers with the necessary resources to craft applications that excel in performance, scalability, and search engine optimization. Its seamless integration with React, comprehensive TypeScript support, incremental adoption capabilities, exhaustive documentation, and robust community backing combine to establish it as a compelling option for developers across all skill levels.

By choosing Next.js as your primary framework, you can leverage the power of React and take advantage of Next.js's unique features to build web applications that are not only fast and efficient but also highly maintainable and future-proof. Whether you are starting a new project or looking to enhance an existing one, Next.js should be at the top of your list when considering the best framework for your web development needs.

So, why wait? Dive into the world of Next.js and unlock the potential of building modern web applications with ease and confidence!


Hey! I'm a Software Developer currently based in India. I love being an autodidact as it enables my curious mind to thrive. I'm Dev #369 at Developer DAO and a member of DAOpunks.

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